Busy school nights doesn't mean you can't have a delicious dinner ready in advance. This Grilled Chicken Parmesan Pasta Bake recipe is the perfect busy...
Butternut Squash Portobello Tacos with Garlic Sage Cream Sauce are savory, flavorful and a favorite for a quiet date night at home with a little Netflix...
We took our favorite TaterTot Casserole and added a Buffalo Chicken twist! Made with buffalo wing sauce, chicken, cheese & tater tots, this dinner's...
Legend has it that Napoleon's chef created Chicken Marengo for the general after a battlefield victory. Despite its glorious history, it differs very little...
Easy, cozy and super flavorful, this dairy free chicken curry is simple enough for a busy weeknight! With a creamy coconut sauce, warm spices plus tender...
Marinated Grilled Pork Loin is truly one of the best grilling recipes you can make. If you are a fan of pork, you have to try this incredible marinade....
Amount Per Serving calories 171 % Daily Value * Total Fat 6 g 10 % Saturated Fat 1 g 6 % Monounsaturated Fat 2 g Polyunsaturated Fat 3 g Trans Fat 0 g...
Garlic Mushroom Chicken Breast, a delicious and tender chicken breast in a garlic mushroom sauce! A quick weeknight meal that' prepared in less than 30...
Calabash Style Fried Oysters are "lightly breaded and lightly fried." Use fresh oysters, or use shucked oysters by the pint from your local grocery store....
The recipe calls for salt cod, but you can use any leftover (or even fresh) white-fleshed fish. Salt cod is often found in stores around the winter holidays...
These easy vegan quinoa burgers are seriously the best veggie burgers ever. They're delicious, simple to make, and loaded with flavor & plant-based protein....
Cashew curry or Kaju curry is a delicious vegetarian dish made with cashewnuts in a tangy and spicy coconut-based gravy. This is specially made for Goan...
This flavorful Vegan Broccoli Lentil Soup is full of potatoes, broccoli, and lentils and seasoned with salt and cayenne! The perfect soup to keep you warm...
Apparently I have been living under a rock! This Easy Baked Spaghetti Pie has been around forever and it IS easy and SO delicious! Layers of meat, cheese,...